Game Flags (Vuk Ćosić)

De atlasmuseum
Révision de 5 décembre 2019 à 13:05 par François (discussion | contributions) ({{Notice d'œuvre}})

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Horsecross is delighted to present Out of Character – the first solo exhibition in Scotland by internationally recognised artist Vuk Cosic described as ‘an archaeologist of the future’. The exhibition features new commissions and acquisitions, which echo Cosic’s earlier signature works. They are showing alongside the artist’s own favourites from the permanent Horsecross collection of contemporary art. Out of Character reflects Cosic’s interest in media archaeology and his belief that the role of the artist is to move away from the blind adoption of engineering defaults and instead to suggest ‘constructive abuse’ of technology. The exhibition includes:
Game Flags (2009) — a site-specific outdoors installation satirising the intersection of vintage computer games, colour field aesthetics and national symbolism. Commissioned as part of Players – an ongoing strand in the Horsecross collection exploring the relationship of contemporary art and gaming culture.
Horsecross first commission of contemporary art for the city centre. It is sited on banner posts in the urban environment around the oval-shaped, glazed building, which houses the Threshold artspace.


De gauche à droite: Pac Sweden, Nipong, Tetriss, US Invaders.
"Site-specific urban installation"
en collaboration avec Horsecross
Date de fin2016
Précision sur les datesDate de création: 2009 (exposé du 1 août au 1 novembre 2009)
Périodeart contemporain
Précision sur le mouvementarchéologie du futur
Couleurbleu, jaune, rouge
Sujet représentédrapeaux, jeux vidéo
Mots clésdrapeau
InfluencesPac Man


LieuPavillon croate
Détails sur le site
Biennale d'architecture de Venise
PMRje ne sais pas
Latitude/Longitude45° 26′ 17″ N
12° 19′ 14″ E